Our fresh online magazine is growing into a must have read for business professionals of all walks of life. Distributed exclusively to Virtual and Online Business Subscribers in Australia, Today’s VA! Magazine is read online or can be downloaded and printed for convenience as well as being compatible with the latest iPad technology for those on the go and keeping readers informed with up-to-date news, latest business trends, ideas and personal stories.
Who are they?
Our readers are positive, witty, fun and both male & female business professionals and know what they want! They are always looking for new or interesting and exciting opportunities and stories that are both personal and professional. Our readers typically balance both career and personal life and have fun doing what they do best. Today’s VA! Magazine has a strong relationship with readers creating a powerful connection that advertisers can tap in to. The majority of our readers come from the micro to small business sector with most being read by those managing their own online or virtual business in Australia.
Where are they?
Below is a percentage break-down of our current readership for Today’s VA! Magazine throughout Australia.
* QLD = 27%
* NSW = 23%
* VIC = 18%
* ACT = 14%
* WA 9%
* TAS = 5%
* SA = 5%
What they Think?
“I’d love to contribute to an edition one day soon, looks great!” – Chauntelle
“Magazine is great, thank you so much!” – Cathy
“I love it. Let me know when I can start telling everybody.” – Chris
“Well done ladies – innovative creativity!” – Jo
“Congrats on the mag, it looks sensational and I will get a subscription!” – Leanne
“Had a quick flick through the mag. Amazing! I am really impressed and know how much effort and time you have put into it!” – Liz
“I look forward to reading — you’ve done an amazing job” – Veronica