This is a ready to use OHS Toolkit and is not a PDF. The OHS Toolkit is easily edited, and contains over 25 key forms and documentation records you may be required to use onsite or in the office. If you’re a business owner, sole trader or independent contractor why not make use of the OHS Essentials Toolkit. On sale for $50 is a whole workbook that you can use to record your Safety Stats and make you’re workers love you forever, by keeping their health and safety in check.
The Admin Chick's WH&S Essentials Toolkit
- OHS SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Easy to edit and implement, this 35-40 page document contains forms for: * Toolbox Meetings Minutes * Hazard Report Form * Workplace Inspection checklist * Plant & Equipment Checklist * Electrical Equipment Register * Hazardous Substance/Dangerous Goods Register * PPE Register * Site Induction Register * Corrective and Preventative Action Register and Forms * Employee/Subcontractor Site Induction Checklist * Visitor Induction Checklist * Training & Competencies Form * Training Attendance Form * Toolbox Meeting Form * Daily OHS Checklist * Sub Contractor Register & SWMS * Safe Work Method Statement Template & Register * Worker Site Induction Register * Site Inspection Checklist * Emergency & Evacuation Information Sheet * Hazardous Substances Register * Incident & Injury Register & Forms * Hazard Register & Forms