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Today's VA! Magazine


Today's VA! Magazine​​​​ is a fresh new digital magazine for all virtual & online businesses, a first for the virtual assistant industry, Today's VA was created by Renee Chapman to promote the virtual business and online business in Australia.

Renee partnered with Rosie Shilo, from Virtually Yours Virtual Assistant Network (VYVA) and after a while the reins were given to Rosie Full-time to utilise in the VA network for Australia, as a way of communicating with each other and sharing important stories that other VA's were both interested in and needed to know.


Accessible totally online it's a great way to save on paper usage, printing costs and help contribute to the environment, plus it's the way we work, we all are online virtual businesses and this is the best example of how our new industry works!

Today's VA! magazine is FREE, Eco-friendly, and for your benefit.​​


The magazine focuses solely on virtual and online businesses in Australia and the relevant issues and topics we face, as well as Competitions, Stories, Profiles and heaps of articles! ​So come on, treat yourself to the newest and freshest digital magazine out there, get your copy today! You've earned it!


How to get your copy!

​Simply head to VYVA website here!



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