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Business Support Services​

With a high success rate in Tender and Grant Submissions you can be sure The Admin Chick IS able to help you secure funding for any project!

Reduce costs and grow your business at the same time by hiring The Admin Chick who is highly skilled, educated, hard working and substantially costs less than employing staff, enabling you to:​

* Increase Resources without needing any office space                                   * Increase productivity within your own business and boost sales​​

​* Support staff that may need assistance with their workloads                      * Hire a flexible contractor such as The Admin Chick with flexible work hours

The Admin Chick can help you maximise your productivity by using the Internet and online services to create, research, administer and organise office and administrative tasks that assist with your business needs.


If you need assistance with an OHS management plan or a business/office system put into place, or even something as little as a bit of research undertaken because you simply don't have the time. The list is endless on how The Admin Chick can help you and your business and make it grow. All these tasks and more are incorporated into our Business Support Services, which can include any of the tasks below:


  • Develop customised OHS Management Plans or other business management documentation or system you may require
  • Create and assist with Management, Business or Project Planning Materials
  • Develop and Create Business Templates and Documentation for your specific business needs
  • Assistance in Start up resources and management consultancy
  • Provide additional support to the Business Owner or Management Team
  • Assist with Human Resources and other key elements of business
  • Undertake business research or data entry for support systems

The fact is that there's no secret to Winning Tenders, it's usually based on an understanding of your prospects needs, persuasive content and what you can offer to the funding body of your choice. All this takes time and expertise for you get that tender submitted on time and looking fantastic.

The Admin Chick can help you with this by providing you with a highly qualified, experienced hard worker who can take the time and showcase your business's good points and make your bid the most lucrative for prospects to consider and help you win that tender or grant you've been needing to secure funding for your business or organisation.

Services include:


  • Tender writing, preparation, research and tender documents, including templates you may be able to use in future bids.

  • Review and Improvement of draft tenders and grant applications​

  • ​Grant writing, including research and grants information, templates and documentation for your organisation profile

  • Submission of all necessary documentation to the funding body, either electronic or post.

  • Assistance with ensuring your business or organisation is compliant of all requirements and criteria​

  • Develop company or organisational profile for supporting documentation​, which is integral and can be used for a range of different aspects, from websites, tenders, small business awards and the like. This document is vital and can be used in many forms to boost your business.


© 2010 by The Admin Chick - Virtual Assistant Services, Resume Writing Services, Tender or Grant Writing, Compliancy Management Plans & Business Support Services for busy people in Remote, Rural & Regional Western Australia or Northern Territory.


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