The Admin Chick is coming home!
Well after 15 years of being up in the North West of Western Australia, it's time to come back to the South West. After 15 years I feel I have grown in so many different ways as a human, but it's time to really think about what is the most important in my life and right now that would have to be family.
I feel like I have missed out on so many birthdays, weddings, and celebrations and enough is enough.
While up North is a completely different and beautiful world to where I originated and there were awesome places to live, camp and fish, the South West is calling me back to and family and well being is much more important to me at the moment.
I'm starting to miss snuggling in the cool weather and the smell of the beach, the forest and wildlife and just being able to appreciate what I have at the moment. I miss my mum, my dad and my sister who now has two more reasons for me to come back, a nephew and a newly born niece!
So look out South West, The Admin Chick and Princess Pip are coming back and cannot wait!!